CoMinder SpaceStat
CoMinder SpaceStat - helps to prevent disk space related problems and to understand space usage dynamics.
We had invented SpaceStat because it was not possible to find any other ready to use product
to resolve unpredicted database size growth problems, that had been rising periodicaly at our customers' databases.
Technically SpaceStat - gathers and analyse space usage information by database components.
Idea is simple:
- Schedule snapshots of database segments and files size information;
- Run reports to view changes for any period between 2 snapshots;
- Analyse reports: observe who is using the most space and look for anomalies (untypical growth).
Note: future versions anounced to have some automation for this!
- Purge obsolete data, shrink the database.
- Generate size changes dynamic reports.
As the result - clear undestanding of database and segments size changes trends.
At present moment we have stable version for Oracle Database.
Support of other popular databases as well as file systems and storage managers (like ASM) is planned for the future versions.
Terms of use
Currently all published builds of CoMinder SpaceStat are provided with open source
and free of charge for private and business use (including consulting)!
However any product modifications are prohibited if this can make wrong understanding
of product ownership or how gained results are produced.
In other words: all names like "CoMinder", "SpaceStat" (and logo) should be kept untouched
in all places: reports, database objects names or files/folders in file system!
Delivery of CoMinder SpaceStat together with or as part of other product (appliance)
or as a service may be done with SIA CoMinder written acceptance only! At present moment there are no one such product or service.
Check more details in README.txt
If You have found the SpaceStat useful, the best You can do is to share information about it with Your collegues.
Last stable version is 0.55 (should work on Linux, Windows, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX)
Download SpaceStat (ver.0.55) - space_stat.0.55.tar.gz. Setup steps provided in INSTALL.txt inside.
README.txt (stongly recommended to read before use).
Release Notes.
Download presentation "Space Control - how to stop loosing space and time, and become living." (EN, ver:3.01).
Next build is under testing.
Product plans for the future - in Roadmap.
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